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Call me Eli

Deeply passionate about all levels of design.

Ambitious Comp Sci student with team-based development experience eager to contribute developed knowledge in a Software Development role. Skilled in Java, HTML/CSS, Javascript, and C++ in fast-paced settings. Adaptable, driven by a love of the work, and motivated to thrive in group or individual settings.

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🙤 I'm a UWT CS grad & looking to enter the software industry. This is my portfolio site.

You're currently on Who I Am, a short bio. What I Do is a list of my projects, and My Interests is where I ramble about some of my personal interests.

Get in touch

  • Phone: 253-202-3530
  • Email: elijahscole333[at]
  • Linkedin: Elijah Cole
  • A Few of My Projects

    UWT Internship

    Center for Service and Leadership Student Portal and Database

    🙤 In the early summer of 2019, I and four other CSCII students at UWT were approached with an internship opportunity by the university's community service department.
    Students could log community service hours with approved organizations in exchange for credits and a medal of recognition. Up until then, students had done this through a poorly-implemented Google Form; we were asked to build a dedicated website. Over the next five months, we operated together as a team to build a web app from scratch in a self imposed quasi-Scrum environment. It was an incredible learning experience. We completed the product and met all of our core requirements. When we presented it to him, the department head was deeply pleased with what we delivered.

    It was all for naught however: within a week of our finishing the portal, the university reduced the funding of the community service department by more than half. The head was forced to quit on account of his pay cut and his replacement was uninterested in our work. The code still sits on the UWT servers to this day, unused and partially gutted. I could not secure a copy of my work, so all I have to show for that summer are these screenshots.

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    Capman Quest

    🙤 An unfinished Pacman-style game with original pixelart and a dark fantasy setting. Made in GameMaker Studio. This is my current hobby project. Pacman is often called one of the best games of all time, and with good reason. I hope create a faithful yet fresh version of the timeless classic.

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    Untitled Cat Game

    🙤 This was a Javascript browser game I made for a group project in my third year of college. In Digital Worlds, I and two other students designed and programmed a game over a semester. We were afforded total freedom as to what we made, only that we had to deliver a finished project by the end of the quarter. After some discussion of things like scope and our relative abilities, we settled on making a pretty basic 2D platformer about a cat running around a city. We understood that an all-too-common pitfall in software development was overestimating what can be accomplished with the available time and resources, so we decided to keep our goals conservative and divided the workload among us according to ability. This proved a tactful move, as we were able to deliver a mostly finished project by the deadline where other teams failed.

    While a bit rough-around-the-edges, UCG is a solid team project that I can honestly say I'm proud of.

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    🙤 As a fork of the Tesseract engine, Imprimis is an open source project to escape from the common pitfalls of the Cube family of engines while preserving their better aspects. Tesseract is ripe with potential as a FOSS game engine with octree based level geometry. That said the codebase is riddled with bugs and bad coding practices. The goal of Imprimis is to reduce these issues, producing an intuitive and effective engine and a multiplayer FPS built on it.

    My involvment in the Imprimis project has been ongoing and I'll always be eager to help out with its development.

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    About me:

    A Few of My Favorite Movies

    A Few of My Favorite Books
